Archive for the ‘Bylaws’ Category

Updates from the Annual Meeting

It has taken me a little while, but here are some of the things that I thought were valuable to learn at the 12/2/2010 Annual homeowners’ meeting.

  • Tom Laska was reelected to serve for another 3 year term on our board
  • There is a small group of neighbors that are meeting to review proposals from management companies. Currently, we use Durand & Associates, but this year, the board has asked three residents to help review proposals from Durand and other property management companies.
  • The board has spent a great deal of time (and money) to work on legal issues regarding our bylaws, architectural control, rules & regulations, and who can enforce what. The Architectural Control Committee has greater latitude for enforcement of the association rules & regulations under the developed changes.
  • The “Talkin’ Trash” committee is officially dissolved. There was still some interest in pursuing some kind of preferred hauler system, but not enough volunteer time to pull any kind of RFP or additional proposal together. If anyone is interested in pursuing this, contact the board.
  • There seems to be significant interest in forming a formal or informal Neighborhood Watch group. Names were collected of those interested. If you weren’t at the meeting, but are interested in being part of a neighborhood watch group in Eagle Valley, please contact the board.

Those were my “take-aways.” Feel free to add comments to contribute your thoughts.

Be sure to turn in your proxy form!

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to send in your proxy form for the annual meeting to Durand & Associates, or give it to a neighbor who will be attending the annual meeting on Monday, November 30, 2009, at 7 pm. In order to elect the new board member and officially hold the meeting, there has to be 10%, or 51 households, of the neighborhood represented, either through attendance in person or by proxy. Registration for the meeting begins at 6:30 pm.

Trash Haulers Survey

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to complete the survey created by the ad hoc group looking at the idea of having a single or selected preferred haulers for Eagle Valley. More info is on the Talkin’ Trash page.

Bylaws Exploration

Eagle Valley Owners, what do you think? Should the board begin a process to review the current bylaws and architectural restrictions?